Archive for the ‘Chal8. Easy ELF Challenge’ Category

Load target to IDA and analyze, we’ll find the function that check the Input Serial. With the help of HexRays, we get the following pseudo code:

int check_Input()
  int result; // eax@2

  if ( szInput[1] == '1' )
    szInput[0] ^= 0x34u;
    szInput[2] ^= 0x32u;
    szInput[3] ^= 0x88u;
    if ( szInput[4] == 'X' )
      if ( szInput[5] )
        result = 0;
      else if ( szInput[2] == 0x7C )
        if ( szInput[0] == 0x78 )
          result = szInput[3] == 0xDDu;
          result = 0;
        result = 0;
      result = 0;
    result = 0;
  return result;

With the code above, we can identify the Input serial as follows:

szInput[0] ^= 0x34u == 0x78 --> szInput[0] = 0x78 ^ 0x34 = 0x4C = L
szInput[1] == '1' --> szInput[1] = 1
szInput[2] ^= 0x32u == 0x7C --> szInput[2] = 0x7C ^ 0x32 = 0x4E = N
szInput[3] = ^= 0x88u == 0xDDu --> szInput[3] = 0xDD ^ 0x88 = 0x55 = U
szInput[4] == 'X' --> szInput[4] = X

Finally, we have the key is: L1NUX
