Archive for the ‘[QuickNote] MountLocker – Some pseudo-code snippets’ Category


  • Parse RecoveryManual.html content in memory and fill %CLIENT_ID%:
 // Generate CLIENT_ID
  for ( client_id_pos = StrStrIA(psz_recovery_manual_ransom_note, "%CLIENT_ID%");
        client_id_pos = StrStrIA(psz_recovery_manual_ransom_note, "%CLIENT_ID%") )
    cnt = 32i64;
    client_id_str = g_str_879538e20b82e80052dd5f7ef9ad5077;
    // replace %CLIENT_ID% with generated client_id
    // first 32 bytes is "879538e20b82e80052dd5f7ef9ad5077"
    // and the rest 32 bytes is random value
      client_id_str[client_id_pos - g_str_879538e20b82e80052dd5f7ef9ad5077] = *client_id_str;
    while ( cnt );
    ptr_curr_pos = client_id_pos + 32;
    for ( j = 0i64; j < 16; ++j )
      *ptr_curr_pos = str_0123456789abcdef[(unsigned __int64)(unsigned __int8)szComputerName[j] >> 4];
      ptr_next_pos = ptr_curr_pos + 1;
      ch_ = szComputerName[j];
      *ptr_next_pos = str_0123456789abcdef[ch_ & 0xF];
      ptr_curr_pos = ptr_next_pos + 1;