Archive for the ‘Anti-Reverse Engineering Guide’ Category

Introduction Into Windows Anti-Debugging – Josh Jackson

Anti-Reverse Engineering Guide

Author : Josh Jackson + Nicolas Falliere


In recent times, tools for use in reverse engineering have flourished. There are plenty of resource sites for those who are interested in the field, and the field is very much worth the time invested in it. I found that learning C++ while introducing myself to reverse engineering and assembly language really helped me to understand how code works, and improved my C/C++ coding and my ASM coding at the same time. However, reverse engineering also has a darker side. Crackers are individuals who use their knowledge of reverse engineering to reverse another programmer’s code, often to decode how a serial is processed or to remove a protection from a trial. Naturally, a pioneer will want to protect their investment; this can be done with tools such as Themida, Execryptor, Armadillo, and even a protection system coded by a CodeProject resident Jim Charles named Eagle Protector. This article is meant to inform individuals of some anti-debugging techniques, and is not meant to be all-inclusive, nor does it explore some of the more complex routines that commercial protectors use.


An individual reading this should have a solid understanding of ASM, how computers handle memory, the Win32 Debugging API, and at least some knowledge of Windows internals. This code most likely will not work on any *nix platform due to the fundamental differences of the Operating Systems. Any other knowledge in the field of reverse engineering is also a plus. One great thing about learning and implementing anti-debugging is that you also develop your reversing skills, which is a great plus to anyone interested in the field. Along with the other mentioned subjects, an interested reader should also be familiar with the tools used for binary application reversing such as OllyDBG, WinDBG, SoftICE, IDA Pro, and others. Here are some links to some information that is important for readers to be familiar with before reading the following text:

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